Here are my non-canonical, non-exhaustive, non-exclusive, not-ranked, totally personal choices.
1. Lukas Nelson's channel
His "Quarantunes" was like a soothing elixer that calms the nerves during those scare-inducing days of the lock downs. His voice, his musicality, and his personality is perfect for those seemingly endless days.
2. Perkin Builder Brothers
There was something enchanting as we watched things being built, and this channel by two brothers is not only educational but also entertaining. I like their personality, but also their craftmanship.
3. Mocha
How do I describe this channel? A Japanese vlog with no spoken words, and is about baking,travel, and some sort of meditative reflection on life, love, and the world. Anyway, I love it, and I look forward to each installment.
4. Kirsten Dirksen
Kirsten's featured houses are like windows and portals to another world. The lockdowns have made it more poignant as you watched these beautiful places, and homes. I enjoyed the creativity, the beauty and the sense of space presented.
5. Nerdwriter
I enjoyed the discussions and the insights this channel brings.
6. Trout and Coffee
Transporting you to an immersive world of backroads, gorgeous foliage, and magical hidden cottages and walks through the forest - this channel is beautifully shot, and charmingly narrated.
7. Slater Young
I rarely follow "celebrities" on youtube - well, maybe sometimes for entertainment, etc. but Slater is not necessarily your typical "celeb" as he is actually an engineer, and his vlog is not about cutesy stuff but practical, and insightful stuff on building, construction, and stuff a person might need or wonder about with it comes to anything about houses. And his house is amazing. Of course.
8. Ancient History Nerd
Do I really need to explain why I love this? Isn't the channel title enough? :-D
9. Watercolor by Shibasaki
Something about this Japanese artist and his gentle, kind ways inspire me with my art. He is the Asian Bob Ross.
10. Winging it with Paul
There was something poignant and vicarious about this channel that is all about aircrafts, trains and travel. I don't know what Paul's actual job is, but to be able to visit, and travel, and experience all of these! Amazing.
Bon Appetit was also a favorite - the different cooks, and their personalities, and the chemistry they have among them was something that helped during the scary times of the pandemic. It's sad that it all came crashing down like that. Otherwise the channel would have been on my life. There you go. I hope you take time to discover, and watch them. Thanks!