Father's Delight

I usually clean-up/ re-arrange my stuff as a way to de-stress. Today is that day. I came across this in one of my storage: an anonymous note given to me one day in October, 2014. Earlier that month I lost my dad, and I was still grieving. Grief as everyone has experienced comes in waves, and that particular day it was pretty bad. It was a Sunday, and it was quite busy day with preaching, etc but it felt like bricks were in my chest. I was missing my father. Then I found this note left at one of the chairs (or was it handed to me? Fuzzy memory).

It was my Father’s reminder that I may have lost temporarily my dad but He is with me, and that He knows what I was going through. It felt like a hug from our heavenly Father.

Today I found this note again. It comes at a time when we are facing darker days and our hearts long for our Father. He is near. He is faithful. And He loves us with a tender love.

Thank you, Abba!
