The Time My Dad Was Speechless

My father, Antonio dela Fuente (Tony to his friends) was an enthralling public speaker who can hold the people’s attention. He was a jovial, laugh-out-loud kind of a person who liked singing (off-key) well loved Sunday School songs learned from long ago. I have listened to him speak at large political rallies, converse with farmers by the roadside, and tell stories to friends who would gather around him. A large crowd or a quiet chat with a friend: my father reveled in these. A story my mom loved to tell was how he nearly missed a boat trip because he was engrossed in a conversation with a newly made friend on the pier. His booming laughter and conversations with people who visit in the early morning was our wake-up call. He loved talking to people.

But what I love the most- and what I treasure in my heart was when he talked about the Lord he served.

Always eloquent, my father would sometimes be at a loss for words when talking about the greatness and the love of the Father. His voice took on a special note when he preached about Jesus whom he loved with ferocity. His eyes would have a twinkle, and his smile a certain kind of joy. Yes, I have heard him speak on numerous times in vast assemblies and town-hall meetings, but it was nothing compared to the times when he would stand behind a pulpit to talk about his faith, and the Lord.

Of my many memories of him, the image of him standing on the stage of a small church, expounding on the Word of God- this is what I am grateful for, and one I will treasure forever.

I love you, dad- and I miss you everyday. I am grateful that we are shaped, molded and cradled by the faith you have passed on to us. And yes, we will continue to talk about the Lord and continue to share His love for everyone.
