It was a time to learn, to unlearn, and also to go back to my theological and academic passion.
I was challenged to think beyond what I can conceive - to widen my horizons, to welcome new ideas. It was a time to delve into books, do research, present papers, and to listen to the masters teach what they teach best.
It was time to reconnect with old, dear friends, and a time to make new friends. A time to share, and a time to be a recipient of His grace through friends.
It is a continuing story of vindication and upliftment. It is an on-going learning process, of letting go, and of opening oneself beyond one's pain, limitation or injuries.
It is about the Lord who is a God of change, and second chances. Thank you, Lord.
Soli Deo Gloria!
Thank you too, Fuller Theological Seminary and the Center for Missiological Research for granting me the Global Research Institute grant. It was a privilege and an honor and a responsibility that I will never forget.