Wake Up

The memories of the tastes and sounds and textures of moments take us back to something primordial, something so ancient and holy we are left with a wonder that is almost childlike. But no matter how enchanting the past is, we know with a irrevocable wisdom, there is no going back, this much is true. Nevertheless, the possibility of reliving that slice of time forever gone is nothing short of captivating. However, these visitations should not be our main preoccupation, for the paradox of living the moment and reliving moments that has already dissolved in the past is a chasm we must learn to stand astride with deftness.

This is our moment. The only moment we have in fact. While it is possible at some point in the future to look back at this particular grain of time, we come alive knowing that this breath, this second is ours and this moment is who we are, what we are and whatever we were and will be coalesce in this instance, never to be repeated or copied ever again. And so we drink it, draw it in like the sharp intake of fog at dawn, the sheer purity and freshness erases whatever angst we feel, its sudden zest brings tears to our eyes. It is like a splash of frigid water on our faces, and we let out a barbaric yawp, taking full claim of this existence.

"So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."

Psalm 90:12
