Bong needs...

I googled “Bong needs...” and here’s what I got

bong needs just a little drop of water (with lots of ice, please)

bong needs to be filled (my wallet, my tummy, my bank account?)

bong needs a name (a formidabel, senatorial sounding name?)

bong needs to get some sponsorship from quantas (hopefully a round-trip ticked to exotic places)

bong needs a bigger tummy! (HA!)

bong needs a friend (one could always need one more...)

bong needs more chicks! (to start my poultry, i guess)

bong needs to mellow out (if i'd get any mellower, i'd be ice)

bong needs exceptional sagacity to grasp the crash course in record time

everybody needs a great bong (right on!)

Great needs, huh?


Nechie said…
you dont need any of the things written here. particularly the bigger tummy.
MhacLethCalvin said…
I tried googling for mhac needs, too.
However, the results are rather cool.
MHAC, I found out, means "Mental Health Advocacy Coalition." Oh, well time promote good mental health.