The Rain of His Presence (revised)

"Let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord...He will come to us like the rain..." Hosea 6:3

His presence, like the rain, is a gift. The crystalline drops awaken our senses, and we who thirst find ourselves drenched by the sweetness of His mercy. We are swept away by flood of His power and love. His rain-like presence showers us, washing us, cleansing us. The traces of our infidelity, of our acts of harlotry are all wiped clean, and we come away smelling like the fragrance of the earth after the rain.   His presence, like the rain, is a gift. He comes to us and brings delight to our parched, shriveled souls, and the moisture of His love is like a kiss that astounds us, revives us, and the dried-up, wrinkled terrains of our hearts becomes an oasis of His grace. And we come to life. The singing of the rain is a lullaby, soothing, calming. His presence, like a love-song, woos us, breaking our barriers, and ultimately, enveloping us with life.

     The knowledge of the Lord, like the rain, fills us with enchantment, beguiling us, and fills us with the precipitation of His mysteries and depth.  The invitation to know Him is ever open, beckoning us further into the deeper embrace of Him whose presence is shrouded with clouds, His glory more powerful than the thunderstorms, more forceful than hurricanes, more devastating than any cataclysm and yet touches us with infinite tenderness like raindrops on our face. The all-powerful God touches us with gentle kindheartedness and do not break us. Instead, like the rains, we are coaxed to life, bringing bountiful harvest. We willingly embark with Him in this pursuit of His knowledge even when the portents of things to come are dark and mysterious. And yet this moves, urges us, whispers to our fevered heart: “He will come to us like the rain…”
