A Sense of Place

And yet life is not just about what may come. While it is true that an important part of us pines for what is to come, we are, in the meantime, here. While the promise of paradise is true, while indeed, we have a destination far more glorious than this present time- that is yet to be. We are not just some spiritual beings that bear no mark on this world, detached, unconcerned.

We are grounded on where we are, in our context, our place. This present moment, here, is a gift, and we are to make the most of this gift. It is as much the will of God for us to be here as it is for us to be there. This is the only moment we have. This life shall never be lived again. And so we count our days. We are to make our mark, to be alive, to see, taste, touch, hear and smell every moment. We are to breathe in the very wonder of the “now-ness” of our time here. This place, this moment, this life – we are to take hold of it.

And when we get to the “there,” we can look back with the Master, and hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
