Flashes of brilliance, when they occur, leave us speechless. The vividness of its beauty, the genius of thought, the flowing, graceful movements allows us to be transported somewhere transcendent. We are lifted to a place we have not been before, or rarely ever reach. And so we treasure these special times. We like to remember them, for in the end, memories are all we have, and to stretch, to go back to that moment of great beauty, pleasure, and grace allows us to celebrate once more that fleeting slice of transcendence.
But life is not a series of brilliance. More often, they are common – mundane – ordinary. We have our routines. We have our rhythms. And we think that the muted colors of the ordinary do not cause us to celebrate. But to hear its subtle rhythms can bring magic too. Even the ordinary can bring joy, understated though it may be. Laughter, work, commuting, doing your grocery – simple, regular activities – these too can be avenues for the mystical, for the transcendent. These can be occasions for a deeper understanding of self, or our soul, of He who is above ordinary. Let us learn to be fluent in the subdued language and whisperings of our ordinary life – for at the very heart of it, at its core, when all is stripped and all is laid bare, we find the most brilliant of all: Him
But life is not a series of brilliance. More often, they are common – mundane – ordinary. We have our routines. We have our rhythms. And we think that the muted colors of the ordinary do not cause us to celebrate. But to hear its subtle rhythms can bring magic too. Even the ordinary can bring joy, understated though it may be. Laughter, work, commuting, doing your grocery – simple, regular activities – these too can be avenues for the mystical, for the transcendent. These can be occasions for a deeper understanding of self, or our soul, of He who is above ordinary. Let us learn to be fluent in the subdued language and whisperings of our ordinary life – for at the very heart of it, at its core, when all is stripped and all is laid bare, we find the most brilliant of all: Him
That's so true. It's the ordinary that makes our life extraordinary. Little things that we do counts and just like the phrase 'A tiny drop of water makes a mighty ocean,' a tiny thing unsignificant to others, can make our life special and significant for the rest of our life.